Kaleena Kaili (she/her)
My name is Kaleena, I pronounce it Kay-Lee-Nuh. I am a multicultural woman of color and I use she, her, hers, pronouns. I’ve worked in human services for the last 5 years. I have lived in Oregon my whole life and in my free time I love to be outside with my closest family and friends soaking up all of the sun. I was raised to culturally understand that we are all connected and that it takes a village to raise each human being.
I am a mom of two boys and am a firm believer that if we don’t talk to our boys about the toxic masculinity that exists, then the world will teach them the sickness that continues to run deep in society today. I take pride in teaching my boys openly and through unconditional love that the world needs more good humans and leading by example in my own community is where it starts. I look forward to being able to serve you in my position at Healing Tides Counseling from a place of humility and love. Thank you for being part of our Ohana.